Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jaime's Baby Shower

Marisa is mommy's little helper. Gave me a chance to sneak a few good shots of her. She's hates her picture being taken. Mommy, looks and feels likes she is about ready to pop.
Mom (Karen) showing everyone the melted chocolate bar in the baby diaper, can you guess which bar it is, yum.
You think its funny now, but just wait, ha ha ha. After having two girls, we know that Jaime will be in for a few surprises.
Heidi's kids made this banner with Bruce's name (Baby Bruce). Doctor says he may only have three more weeks
Mom and her golden girls. These are the ladies that she goes to the beach with every year and they become our surrogate moms and grandmoms too.

Fun time had by all. Can't wait to meet Bruce.

Monday, August 04, 2008

pony tail

Megan is really getting into putting on Daddy's sun glasses. You can tell she thinks she looks cool. and she does!!
She climbed up on my lap and just went to sleep, the bean was all tuckered out.
Megan trying to get the camera while I'm trying to take a picture of her with a pony tail!

Megan finally has enough hair to put in a tiny tiny pony tail. She's admiring herself in the reflection of the glass. She's pretty excited about having hair too.
