Friday, February 17, 2006

The Social Butterflies

Butterfly Invasion
We've had a wave a lovely white butterflies over the past two weeks. Sometimes there are so many it looks a bit like snow or flurries at least. The butterflies seem to enjoy a few of our flowering bushes at the back. There are so many it looks like the bush is moving. Anyway, it really brightens my day, thought you might enjoy it as well. Just today I noticed that we have more butterflies but the new ones are slightly bigger and mostly black and yellow, where as the others where small and mostly white and yellow. Unfortunately, Pumpkin, thinks they are a new play toy and he catches one and pins it down, then lets it go, and then catches it again until it's wings fall off. I suppose it's nothing compared to the big kitty who snatched a pigeon out of the air and left only the feathers as a testimony to her vicious appetite.

Jeff and Michele Royce
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022


At 2/18/2006 3:43 AM, Blogger Nokesville Virginia said...

By the way - The photos are wonderful.
Keep them coming.


At 2/19/2006 5:33 PM, Blogger lisa said...

Those are amazing!
You're amazing! :)

At 2/19/2006 5:47 PM, Blogger f1rststory said...

Hey guys those pics are great. keep em coming... :)


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