Saturday, September 23, 2006

Kgomotso's Baby shower

I hosted a baby shower for Kgomotso, you'll remember the wedding pics from Jan 7th. Well this is a honeymoon baby. Kgomotso and Gordon and both such sweet and sincere people. You can see by the cake that we still don't know what gender baby surprise will be. But we just pray for a safe arrival.

Kgomotso welcoming
her good friend Edith.

Kgomotso showing off
some of her loot.

Group photo.

And almost all the ladies helped me to clean and tidy up afterwards which I am very thankful for, what a great group of ladies, I'm so blessed. And we hope Kgomotso was blessed too.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Royce Extreme Home Makeover

Here is our living room before, the carpet is like dust magnet.

Here Gordon and Luke have ripped up the carpet and they are chipping the floor

Here Luke is painting the walls

Here Gordon is tiling

The final product. It was kaos for about a week, especially since every door in our house opens up to the living room, but we are really excited about our new floor, Thank you FM. It's like a new house.

Michele for us both

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moment of insanity

I'm trying to play around with changing our blog posting picture. So I uploaded this one. What do you think of my choice, it's the real me.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

International Tea Party

Friends from pottery and a lady I met at the shops one day.

International Tea Party
I had a tea party from my Russian neighbor, Galina who is trying to sell tupperware and beauty products. We ended up with about 10 folks, and it was a great mix, 8 different countries represented (India, Korea, South Africa, America, Canada, Australia, France, and Persia) I love my job.
Here is me and Mma Lee (can you guess where she is from : ] )

This is Mma Lee and Joann from Oz

This is Galina, hopefully making a sale.
This is my first time to update the blog myself, please forgive all the bobbles and bits.

Friends from pottery and a lady I met at the shops one day.

International Tea Party
I had a tea party from my Russian neighbor, Galina who is trying to sell tupperware and beauty products. We ended up with about 10 folks, and it was a great mix, 8 different countries represented (India, Korea, South Africa, America, Canada, Australia, France, and Persia) I love my job.
Here is me and Mma Lee (can you guess where she is from : ] )

This is Mma Lee and Joann from Oz

This is Galina, hopefully making a sale.
This is my first time to update the blog myself, please forgive all the bobbles and bits.