Sunday, October 01, 2006

Spring is in the air

These are actually winter flowers blooming late, but they look Springy to me.

Red Lilies, or something like that.
These are some kind of garlic/chive type plat that gets beautiful purple pom poms

Just thought I'd add a couple of quotes from the prayer calendar that we are going through at FM.

"If you think you are too smal to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito buzzing around."

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't have the same horizon." Konrad Adenauer

Hope you have a fab week.


At 10/02/2006 4:16 PM, Blogger f1rststory said...

HAHAHAHA - I LOVE the mosquito quote!!! That's a good one. ;)

At 10/02/2006 4:23 PM, Blogger lisa said...

Could you post some pics of some jacarandas in bloom for me ? Its hard to believe it has almost been a year since we were there.

At 10/02/2006 4:24 PM, Blogger lisa said...

Come to think of it I don't remember any jacs in Botswana, I remember them in S.A.

At 10/03/2006 8:03 AM, Blogger Royces In Africa said...

We are going to SA this week to fetch my folks, so I will be on the look out. They do have them in Bots too! So I'm sure I can manage to find some for you.


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