Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ball of Yarn

This is the heap of wires that Jeff took out of the Land Rover, years of splicing and dicing and taping. He just decided that it was better to wack off the whole thing and start over. It kind of reminds me of Christmas lights if they've just been thrown into a box and then you get them out the next year and they are a tangled mess.

This is behind the gauge panel, again you notice lots of tape, Jeff found a pen back in there and of course everythings covered in dirt. Ofcourse the dirt part is to be expected when living in the desert.

But you can see here that Jeff is making good progress, he's modified few a things. But now you can at least tell where the wire is going and where it is getting power and if you know Jeff, he'll have the whole thing labeled for later as well.

This is part of the circuitry I think, and then there is a panel on the inside of the Landy for the circuit breaker. I think if we ever sell this thing and the next person looks inside, they'll think it's from another planet.
Jeff is nearly finished, he says he just has few more adjustments and then he'll tidy up all the wires and put the thing back together. It's been a challenge for him but kind of fun as well. It's only that there is so much pressure when it's your only vehicle and I think that presses him to try and get it done faster and as you know, things don't always go fast in this part of the world.

Michele for us three

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Long time no see

Sorry it has been so long since we've updated the blog but we have been having terrible problems with our internet service. We do live in Africa so we can't expect things to move along too smoothly otherwise it wouldn't be Africa.

I've been listening to a CD series on Abiding and the guy, Graham Cooke, made a statement that I've really latched onto.
"God is His wisdom allows what he could easily prevent by his power."

So maybe you can chew on that quote for a little bit while we wait for our internet to get faster so I can upload some more pics, like the Land Rover re-wiring project, my ever growing belly, and things like that, I promise I haven't forgotten to update it's just been too much frustration. Please bear with us.