Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving at the Moyers

A picture by the Turkey for perspective.
Aunt Heidi loving on the sleeping Bean

The the Feasting begin!!

We are so thankful for our families and for Megan.
We had such a good time in Knoxville and the food was GREAT!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Doe River Gorger, TN

When Jeff's Aunts and cousin where down here for a visit we went with them to Doe River Gorge just up the road from us nestled in the Appilacian Mountains . Even though the fall season hasn't been that great this year we thought it was beautiful anyway.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Heidi and the kids

Will and Megan

We had a great time with my sister Heidi and her kids. It was a bit crazy going from one baby in the house to a baby and three kids but we managed. We made pancakes, hung out at the park with my sister-in-law and her two boys, hung out at Jeff's sister's place and had a good time even though it was rainy. Will especially likes babies so he was really looking forward to coming. Now they are back in Knoxville. Now we are ready for the next set of visitors, don't tell Jeff I said that, hee hee.

Jeff and Kyle playing Halo

Heidi and Megan