Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Scenes from Bridgewater

Local wild life
The Bean
walking down main street
sign post for our street, Broad st
as you enter down town Bridgewater from the Bridge
down the street from our house

My sister asked me to take pics just around our house, up the street and down and around town. Megan and I went for a walk and I took my camera. Enjoy this quaint little town.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Megan's room

It's amazing how all the things coming from so many difference sources are coordinating quite nicely in Megan's room. We have baskets from Botswana, cross stitches picture from my mom, pic from Loretta, pic from Jeff's old room, a wooden shelf I made in 10th grade, borrowed crib, lovely hamper and changing table from Diane O, and a chest of drawers from Loretta (and night light, lamp, rug...) It's really cool.