Just quickly on Zambia.
Jeff is on his way back from being in Zambia 10 days. I didn't manage to go with him because I wasn't feeling well, bladder infection. But don't worry, God's timing, God's plan. I stayed for a few days with some friends in South Africa because our friend Richard (the I.T. guy with FM) was going down and back so I was able to just catch a ride with him. I had a good rest. Jeff should get home about 1:00 today weather permitting. Then we are going to head down to our friend's house in SA and have a mini debrief, so he can fill me in on his Zambian adventures. Thank you so much for praying for us. I was disappointed not to go there with him but now I think it was for the best. The Lord knows the best route and he's working things out according to his plan. So I wasn't too fussed and then I got a chance to go to SA and rest and that was really great.
Sad News
I returned to Botswana on Wed afternoon and found that Mmane (who was house sitting for us) had written a few telephone messages. One was, Pastor Charles/Solomon, please call, baby died. I finally got a hold of Solomon and he told me that his youngest, a boy named Matheous, had just passed away on Monday. He had been in hospital with a bad case of diarrhea, it was a bit of an epidemic, lots of children where in sick and some others have died as well. Matheous was actually discharge and they thought he was recovering, but the next day the father laid down for a nap only to find the boy dead when he woke up.
The do have three or four other kids, but it's still hard to take. Doug (housing supervisor for FM) and I rode together to meet Solomon at the funeral parlor. Richard and a Missionary Pastor named Steve also joined us. Steve was asked to officiate (is that the right word, preach the sermon) for the funeral. Of course Richard and Doug where then asked to pray and comment at various times as well.
We had no idea that the baby was at the funeral parlor and that we were taking him to the church. They pulled his little perfect body out of the cool chamber and laid him on the table beside the tiny coffin. My eyes filled up with tears and I just held onto the mother. Her sister-in-law and mother-in-law where also there. Luckily Doug had chosen to drive the van. After the child was prepared, we said a prayer and then put the baby in the back of the van, the older ladies sat with the casket and I sat with the mother and off we went to the church. It was a long silent drive.
I did not envy Steve's job as preacher but he did a great job. He said "Let us celebrate his life." He also said to the parents, it's okay to cry, to grieve but then he gently went into the fact that Matheous is with Jesus now and that even though his life was short to us he still was part of God's plan and he is still in God's hands.
After the service, I was asked, along with the mother, the mother-in-law, and the sister-in-law to carry the casket out into the van. Then we went to the burial sight.
The grave had already been dug and even had a cement floor and brick walls, it wasn't that deep, maybe 3 feet. Me and Granny stepped into the grave and placed the casket gently in the middle. Then there was more singing and praying. Then the men took shovels and started to cover the grave, this was very hard for the mother. Then while we were there they, place a piece of tin roofing over the grave and covered it with cement that they mixed up right then and there. This is partly to make sure that the body is not dug up and used for witchcraft. I stood by the mother in the shade with a few other relatives. I didn't have any headache tablets for her so I just rubbed her shoulders and neck. I could sense that the worst was over for her, as far as the funeral went. She seems to be breathing easier. The prayers and songs where all very encouraging.
Then we headed back to the church for tea. Doug and I where a bit afraid of drinking any water there, seeing as how the mother had just gotten over the diarrhea and her daughter was still in hospital dealing with it. Richard, Steve, and Doug (my ride) explained to Solomon that they couldn't stay long, so Solomon brought the parents and some relatives in the church and then to my great relief offered us coke to drink. We sat for a few minutes drinking coke and talking with the relatives and then we made out leave, of course shaking hands with everyone and saying, stay well, peace be with you and God bless you.
So the morning started out very heavy indeed but even I could feel the closure and the comfort of our Lord and to trust that God is still in control.
Please pray for Solomon and Carol and their children (one still in the hospital).
We will fill you in on all the Zambia news soon.
Please check out our blogsite, new stories and pictures. The address is at the bottom of the email.
Michele for us both
Jeff and Michele Royce
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022
This breaks my heart. I can't imagine how you must have felt.
I think the hardest part was seeing him being put into the casket, but imagining him on Jesus's knee helps me cope. I know that jesus has a very special place for babies.
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