Drama behind the Drama
The drama will be performed in just a few days and man has a lot happened, mostly good I hope, to pull this off. First, it started with another one of Michele's "wouldn't this be great" ideas. The whole illustration of getting arrows and the difficulty of pulling them out or the arrows actually impeding the function of your life and heart, this illustration really resonated with me and I often would sit with folks and share it but for a long time I've also wanted to share it in a way that was more "dramatic". So I wrote this little drama and showed it to some folks at church and then to the Pastor, who I wanted to play Jesus anyway, and they also started to get excited about getting this message out. I've really appreciated our pastor's imput as well as the imput from the other actors and Jeff. It's been really neat to see things develop and grow.
Poor Jeff started to get roped in, slowly at first, only joining the choir part then he was upgrated to prop creator. I can't help it he's so handy. But I'm really proud of him and the stuff he's come up with, especially how to attach and dettach the arrows. But next time I say the words "I wrote a drama" I think he will bolt for the door.
But one thing Jonathon (Pastor) said " you know Michele, even if this drama doesn't come off it's still worth it to be able to spend time with these young people and really be able to speak into their lives." You see, the husband and wife in the drama are played by a Senior and a Junior in Highschool. I can see that the subject material has really touched them as well. Plus, the girl who plays the wife had to miss practice to babysit her younger syblings so I dashed over to her house after practice and we ended up being able to spend about an hour together just chatting about life. I also got a chance to meet her Dad when he came home. She finds him a bit hard to talk to, but you know me, I don't find it hard to talk to anyone, so I took the opportunity to tell him all about the drama and how proud I was of his daughter. He promised to come.
Then I was finally able to find an actress to play the angel, she happens to be from India. I was explaining the play and arrows and all that and she said to me "this is ministering to me." And then I counted in my mind about how many folks were involved in this little production and it's about 15 and I thought, well ,if this has encouraged fifteen people to think about their arrows and to think about letting Jesus help them pull those suckers out, then the whole thing has been worth it.
I do really hope that the production goes well because I really would love this message to reach more folks and also for our cast and crew to be encouraged because, especially the actors, have worked really hard. Not to mention Jeff.
If we do pull this thing off, we will definitely have to give the credit to the Lord because I've never actually had all the actors and the choir and the crew at a practice at the same time and we've never actually had a real curtain to work with, only an imaginary one.