Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hamburger Helper

Hamburger Helper
I've just become aquainted with one of my neighbors through a mutual friend (Sue). The Nieghbor's name is Galina, she's Russian but was married to a Motswana but tragically he died in a car accident about five years ago. Anyway, she didn't have any money to have a birthday party for her three year old son, Enrique. So Sue and I volunteered to help her. I was to make the cake and Sue brought party snacks. Well, the cake turned into about a 6 hour project and I imagine the party snacks did too but never mind that, if you could have seen the look on Enrique's face when he saw me walk up to the gate with a cake that was half his height, mommy cake, MY CAKE. Well, the little birthday party turned out really nice. One of the gifts Sue brought was face paints, so everyone had their face painted starting with the birthday boy. Then another mom came and her present was a plastic golf set, so that was a real hit too. So we ended up with party games. The snacks where great too and I think everyone had a good time.

Hamburger Cake! Picture of the cake just finished in
my kitchen.
Blowing out candle.
Enrique blowing out his number three candle.
Momma's monkey!
This is William, one of Sue's twins.
Momma's butterfly!
This is Alice, the other of Sue's twins.

Jeff and Michele Royce
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022


At 4/25/2006 1:50 AM, Blogger Nokesville Virginia said...

Wonderful photos, fantastic cake and what a memorable impression you made on a three year old. He will never forget it. (ps my Birthday is in February)

Take Care,

At 4/25/2006 2:58 PM, Blogger lisa said...

AMAZING!! I had no idea you had such talents! That cake rocks!

At 5/10/2006 3:34 PM, Blogger lisa said...

Colleen, that's awesome!
Michele is off on vacation with her family that is visiting fom the States. I'm sure there will be some new posts when she gets back to Gaborone. I'm expecting some geat vacation pics myself :)

Becareful of that Steve P. guy! Just Kidding we love and miss him!

At 5/11/2006 9:03 AM, Blogger Royces In Africa said...

dear mission freak, hope your inner city mission trip goes well. We pray you'll be a blessing to those folks in Memphis. I'm sure God has lots to show you. Thanks for praying for us and for Botswana!! keep the faith.

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