Monday, October 30, 2006

Beanie Baby

We took a picture of the scan. This is beanie at 11 weeks. I love having scans, it's so amazing to see that little person and hear the heart beat. Beanie is finally letting me eat more things, although I still turn my nose up at meat.
We are just thanking the Lord everyday for this blessing.


At 10/30/2006 12:13 PM, Blogger Royces In Africa said...

oops, I thought it had an error when I tried to publish it the first time, hope no one thinks we are having twins, hee hee. love,m

At 10/31/2006 3:15 PM, Blogger lisa said...

hahaha... "she" looks just like you :)

At 10/31/2006 8:41 PM, Blogger f1rststory said...

beanie...what a cool name..i used to love this cartoon called "beanie and cecil" - so you can name your next one cecil...hahahaha


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