Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hand Bowl

I made this bowl using some molds I made of my hands. I think it turned out cool. I hope to mold Jeff's hands as well.
The terricota piece is from India, it's actually a lamp, you put oil and a wick in it and you're good to go. My friend got it for me while she was in India for a wedding.
The two cup like things are just rejects that I used as testers but I like the way the glaze came out, always good to have an idea before they go into the kiln.


At 2/17/2007 5:29 PM, Blogger lisa said...

You are really talented! I love that bowl.

At 2/18/2007 9:20 PM, Blogger f1rststory said...

that is awesome! way cool....

At 2/20/2007 6:49 AM, Blogger Royces In Africa said...

you guys are good for my ego.


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