Wednesday, November 01, 2006

final product

This little jub was fired in reduction, very high temp. for about 12 hours. It takes an entire gas bottle, one that is about should height to me. Great colors though.

Here is the back side of that jug and a small bottle.

I made a mold of my hands, outside and inside, this is one side of the vase.

This is the other.

So nice to finally be able to bring some stuff home. Now all I need is more shelves, hee hee.


At 11/02/2006 4:41 AM, Blogger lisa said...

Cool. Promise me you will do some creative stuff with your belly when it gets BIG! :)

At 11/02/2006 9:17 AM, Blogger Royces In Africa said...

I thought about using face paint and painting a nice beach scene on my belly. Or a big smiley face. hee hee. love, m

At 11/06/2006 3:18 AM, Blogger f1rststory said...

those are cool


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