Last Hurrah
Last Hurrah
Jeff and I managed to have a week holiday down in SA, from March 8-16. We figured it was out last holiday for awhile without having to lug around a baby cot, stroller, diapers, etc. We just have to lug me around, and I am round!! We went down to our friend's farm and stayed the weekend and then made our way to Sun City about 2 and half hours away. It's a resort that is next to a big game reserve called Pilanesburg but the game reserve has tarred roads so it's not too hard on your car or your body. We checked in on Monday and crashed. Our little flat was nice and had two air conditioners!! Our friends, the Genheimers, who have two grown children in the states and two teenagers still at home, came down for two nights and hung out with us. We went for a game drive on Wed. morning. They have some man made ponds and water holes and man was it nice to see water, after soooo many months with no rain in Botswana, but you can see how dry and brown the landscape is. So I took a picture from one of the hides, they are little huts that you can walk into and then watch the animals come and go and watch birds and stuff.
I thought Jeff got a good picture of the Impala making their way down to the water for a drink. We were wondering why they were so pensive, but then Isaac Genheimer, caught side of a cheetah under a tree not too far off. So all the animals were very alert. Even the Zebra where edgy. They didn't stay to long at the water whole before dashing off and on our way out of the park we saw a poor Zebra that had teeth marks and tears all down the side of his neck, probably a lion or a leopard.
Later in the day we went to the wave pool water park. It's not a huge place but it was just enough for us. We did the lazy river on innertubes and I went in the wave pool but I just bobbed up and down, no riding the waves for me. Jeff and Bob and the kids did the water slides.

Thurs. after the Genheimers had left, we saw a whole troop of Baboons in the neighboring yards of our complex and on some on the cars. Then they made their way onto the roof of our complex. We shut our windows and some of the shades but we managed to get a good picture of one of the Baboons who was sitting just outside our window up on the porch shade of the room beneath us. Apparently he had went into one of the rooms and stole and egg and he was enjoying his spoils. The park rangers where finally able to shoo to troop away.
No more traveling for me now until baby comes. Even though it was only a 3 hour drive back to Bots, I was pooped and poor Jeff had picked up a cold. So we are staying close to home from now on, but it was fun to have a last hurrah.
Michele for us three
Jeff and Michele Royce
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022
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