Tea Time in Gaborone

Tea Time
On Sunday afternoon I hosted an FM ladies tea at our place.

Jeff was so helpful in helping me set up but decided that when the back garden was full of ladies he should make himself scarce. I was so glad because nearly all the FM ladies managed to come and it was nice and cloudy but no rain. I had just talked to my sister on the phone the day before and she gave me a great idea for a game. You write down three truths about yourself and one lie and then the group has to guess who wrote the card and then which one is the lie. We also had a chance to pray for three of our FM ladies who are getting ready to leave. One, Carrie, was here with her husband as a shortermer and they leave on Sat. to return to the states. Teresa, wife and mother of four and a homeschooler, is leaving for furlough on the 10th of April (states), and Diane, wife and mother of two and one on the way will be leaving on April the 19th. Their situation is slightly more complicated. They are moving up to Zambia where Bryan will be ops manager but first they go to England, Bryan will be in the states for a little while doing PR and development, then he will come back to Botswana and ship their stuff up to Zambia and then (remember she is still prego through it all) she and the kids will join him in Zambia. Yikes.

Jeff was so helpful in helping me set up but decided that when the back garden was full of ladies he should make himself scarce. I was so glad because nearly all the FM ladies managed to come and it was nice and cloudy but no rain. I had just talked to my sister on the phone the day before and she gave me a great idea for a game. You write down three truths about yourself and one lie and then the group has to guess who wrote the card and then which one is the lie. We also had a chance to pray for three of our FM ladies who are getting ready to leave. One, Carrie, was here with her husband as a shortermer and they leave on Sat. to return to the states. Teresa, wife and mother of four and a homeschooler, is leaving for furlough on the 10th of April (states), and Diane, wife and mother of two and one on the way will be leaving on April the 19th. Their situation is slightly more complicated. They are moving up to Zambia where Bryan will be ops manager but first they go to England, Bryan will be in the states for a little while doing PR and development, then he will come back to Botswana and ship their stuff up to Zambia and then (remember she is still prego through it all) she and the kids will join him in Zambia. Yikes.
I was also nice to be able to use some of the lovely designer tea plates and napkins that the team brought over from the states and to use the tea set that they bought me as a present. Plus my mom-in-law's prayer group set me up with some great stuff as well.
I think all of us ladies really just needed to have some fun together and really this may be the last time that some of us are together. But that's life in Gabs, it's just one big bus stop, gotta make the most of it while you can.

P.O. Box 1022
It is so cool to see the pics and know some of the ladies! It sounds like it was a good time.
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