Haircuts and Hats
I finally got my hair cut and decided to go for a highlight as well. I'm really just sending these pics for my sister's sake since she tried for years and years to get me to cut my hair and now I where it short all the time. But he did cut it in such a way that if I want to grow it out it would grow nicely. So we'll see.
Nicole is a short termer with Flying Mission from Switzerland. One of the many things she does is home visits to peole living with HIV who are bed bound. While doing this she met a lady out in the village that makes hats using the plastic shopping bags you get at the grocery store. It's pretty cool I think.

Jeff and Michele Royce
c/o Flying Mission
P.O. Box 1022
P.O. Box 1022
Nice hair! You should see mine! It is yellow! Its so bad that I'll have to go back 2 different times to get it toned back to a normal hair color! I'm too embarrassed to put it on the blog. I love the hat too! What a great thing to do with those bags, I have about 200 in my cupboard.
I'm trying to picture you with yellow hair, yikes. Maybe you should go red and get really crazy!
I also have about 200 of those bags, eco system nightmare.
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