Monday, October 30, 2006

Beanie Baby

We took a picture of the scan. This is beanie at 11 weeks. I love having scans, it's so amazing to see that little person and hear the heart beat. Beanie is finally letting me eat more things, although I still turn my nose up at meat.
We are just thanking the Lord everyday for this blessing.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

beanie Baby

We took a picture of the scan. There is beanie at 11 weeks. It was so cool to hear the heart beat. I love scans because they really help make the whole thing so real, to see that little person in there. That is amazing.

Beanie Baby

We took a picture of the scan. There is beanie at 11 weeks. It was so cool to hear the heart beat. I love having the scans because it just makes it sooo real to see that little person in there.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Painted Lizard

I've always admired the way they painted this wooden lizard and I was in the shop with my mom and she got it for me. Thanks mom!
You should have seen my poor house help's face when she walked in and saw this lizard on top of the couch!. She nearly went white. Africans don't really like lizards. She said once I put it on the wall she'd be okay, but I had to put it in the closet for the rest of the day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mom in Africa

Our dog dug up a place to sleep and there was dirt all over the brick. My mom asked me if I had a broom. I said "yes", but I don't think she got quite what she expected.
I took mom to a friend of mine's baby shower. They dressed the mother to be up like a baby. This is Ntukuna and she's do first week of Nov.
Poor mom got caught talking while Ntukuna was opening gifts and the penalty was to eat baby cereal, Yuck. I got caught earlier but luckily my friend Kefilwe took my punishment for me.
Happy Ntukuna opening up her presents.
It was a very nice baby shower, the ladies sang to start of the party and we prayed for Ntukuna and sang to end the party.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lion Rhino Park South Africa

Right off the bat we came upon this mother rhino are her baby. Then about 5 other rhino walked up to join them.
Just as we came into the lion enclosure we discovered that they were feeding the lions. We whitnessed the males of this pack fighting for their share and this guy decided to take his spoils and bolt. The park rangers were darting the females, so we got to watch that too. We don't know why they were doing it, maybe to move them to another park.
This classic shot of a warthog. Looks like he's waiting at a bus stop.

We saw a long row of cape buffalow making there way to the water hole.

Kind of ugly creatures aren't they.

We are enjoying our visit with my folks. I think they are enjoying themselves as well.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Spring is in the air

These are actually winter flowers blooming late, but they look Springy to me.

Red Lilies, or something like that.
These are some kind of garlic/chive type plat that gets beautiful purple pom poms

Just thought I'd add a couple of quotes from the prayer calendar that we are going through at FM.

"If you think you are too smal to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito buzzing around."

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't have the same horizon." Konrad Adenauer

Hope you have a fab week.